
Being Thunder : the story of an indigenous Two Spirit Teen

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  French filmmaker Stéphanie Lamorré’s heart-touching documentary on teenage Sherenté Mishitashin is another very welcome contribution to the burgeoning dialogue about the transgender community.  Sherenté is a gender-queer Two-Sprit teenager and a member of the Narragansett Tribal Nation in Rhode Island and this is their story. Lamorré’s very discreet camera captures a very determined and … Continue reading

FTWTF : Female To What The Fuck

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This second documentary from Austrian filmmakers  Katharina Lampert and Cordula Thym with its most prefect title, tells the story of several people who fit somewhere along the genderqueer spectrum, but most of them are still undecided exactly where they want to be right now on this sliding scale. All of them were born as women but have chosen to … Continue reading

Girls Lost

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Three 14-year-old girls who are inseparable best friends are always mercilessly picked on by all the bullies at their school. Considered outsiders by their classmates, Kim (Tuva Jagell0), Momo (Louise Nyvall) and Bella (Wilma Holm) the girls very much keep to themselves.  One day Bella finds a very strange looking seed that she plants to … Continue reading

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