
Keillers Park

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This 2006 Swedish film is based on a real-life hate crime story that happened nine years earlier. It started with the unlikely relationship between Peter Mårten Klingberg a conservative Swedish engineer who ran his family’s old established business, and Nassim Pjotr Giro a free spirited Algerian immigrant who occasionally worked as a waiter and dreamed on moving to Paris … Continue reading

Handsome Devil

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  Writer/director John Butler’s enchanting coming-of-age movie about two very likable 16-year-old boys in an Irish Boarding School seems to sidestep some of the grittier aspects of homophobia to ensure that the end result is an engagingfeel-good movie that the LGBT community is bound to make it into one of the more popular hits of … Continue reading

Poetry of the Penis : NSFW

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Among the very many things/people that the President-Elect failed to achieve for his Inauguration was that he couldn’t get anyone to write a poem for the occasion as has been the tradition for years.  It therefore seemed highly appropriate that to make-up for this gap in the proceedings we should talk about poet Andre Medeiros Martins … Continue reading

Starless Dreams

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Mehrdad Oskouei’s unflinching and extremely personal documentary shot in a  rehabilitation center for female juvenile delinquents in Tehran for 20 days leading up to New Year, will unquestionably be one of the saddest stories to hit our screens this year.  It took the filmmaker seven years to persuade the Iranian authorities to allow him to film an imprisoned … Continue reading

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