This ingenious documentary follows the most unlikely man ever to be a detective, and his ham-fisted staff, as they tackle a wide ranging and often-bizarre set of cases. One minute they are tracking down counterfeit shampoo, the next following a cheating husband, and then a brutal triple murderer. In between all this they find time … Continue reading
Leena Yadav‘s contemporary tale of village life in rural India told from the perspective of four women : three close friends in their mid 30’s and one new bride, starts off by being sufficiently harrowing to shock western audiences and then it gradually tapers to end on a more rosier note less we should think … Continue reading
Ila a young Indian housewife feels totally neglected by her husband and so her older upstairs neighbor suggests that to put some spice back into her marriage she should start with spicing up his food. Everyday she prepares a lunch box that is picked by one of Mumbai’s 5000 plus white coated ‘dabbawallahs’ who, through … Continue reading