
Queerguru reviews PINECONE a queer Indian film that’s an exploration of love, relationships, and self-discovery.

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  Like so much of the old British Empire when Brits finally exited countries they had colonized they left behind some very restrictive and inhumane laws.  India is one such case.  The country gained independence in 1947  but it took the Indian Supreme Court another 70 years to repeal the  British Colonial law that had … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews A PLACE OF OUR OWN : the trials & tribulations of an Indian transgender pair seeking accomodation

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  A Place Of Our Own is a new feature film about the trials and tribulations of a couple of transgender women In Bhopal, India, and is a tragic reminder of how life for them has not progressed at all in society.  The film, made by the Ektara Collective, an independent collaborative of filmmakers which … Continue reading

Cobalt Blue : when a brother and sister both fall in love with the same handsome stranger

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    Homosexuality was just decriminalized in India in 2018 but there has been a small steady flow of LGBT movies for a few years before that. Because of the legal situation and society’s taboos, many were made on the down-low and struggled to find a way to access the audience they deserved. However some … Continue reading

The Big Day for an Indian same-sex Couple

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  . Netflix’s The Big Day” showcases six weddings that represent the highest end of India’s $50 billion wedding industry.  This is a conservative country where arranged marriages are still more popular than the ‘swipe left’  culture of the West. They are not only very traditional but when you are as wealthy as the families featured … Continue reading

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