The legacy of colonialism in Fiji led to a tragic end for gay couple John Scott and Greg Scrivener, who were brutally murdered in 2001. The Scotts, part of a long line of prominent white colonial Fijians, enjoyed privilege and status not afforded to the indigenous people. Post-independence, John attempted to rectify this by serving … Continue reading
British filmmaker Ricki Beadle Blair’s movies are never ever subtle, but this one made in 2010, insists on literally screaming about the cacophony of issues he crams into a rather manic 110 minutes. It tackles homophobia, hate crimes, racism, class, poverty, prison brutality, sexual identity, redemption plus there is the white star’s hangup for not being … Continue reading
Although set in contemporary London when it was filmed in 2007, ‘Clapham Junction’ (named after the area where most of the action is centered) has a decidedly old-fashioned feel to it’s plot. And a very negative one at that. Commissioned by the UK’s Channel 4 Television Channel to mark the 40th Anniversary of the decriminalisation … Continue reading
Polish writer/director Tomascz Wasilewski’s second feature film is a dark tragic love story that you immediately sense from the opening scenes that is doomed. Although it is Poland’s first ever Gay movie, it is so much more a story about the search for one’s identity and about being accepted for one’s own true self and … Continue reading
This 2006 Swedish film is based on a real-life hate crime story that happened nine years earlier. It started with the unlikely relationship between Peter Mårten Klingberg a conservative Swedish engineer who ran his family’s old established business, and Nassim Pjotr Giro a free spirited Algerian immigrant who occasionally worked as a waiter and dreamed on moving to Paris … Continue reading