
New PBS Doc ‘THE WAR ON DISCO’ investigates the late 1970s when angry homophobes and racists tried to stop the music….

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    For most of us (of a certain age) our passion for everything disco peaked in 1977 with John Travolta’s swagger in the opening scenes of Saturday Night Fever.  The film resulted in the Best Actor Oscar Nomination for Travolta but for the rest of the world, it shepherded in a whole new movement … Continue reading


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British filmmaker Ricki Beadle Blair’s movies are never ever subtle, but this one made in 2010, insists on literally screaming about the cacophony of issues he crams into a rather manic 110 minutes. It tackles homophobia, hate crimes, racism, class, poverty, prison brutality, sexual identity, redemption plus there is the white star’s hangup for not being … Continue reading

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