
Bad Together : a new movie from Dekkoo about messy gay relationships that we can all relate too

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  For some of us, Bad Together is a mini-series that may strike too close to home, but nevertheless, we will not be able to tear ourselves away from the screen. Its story follows the ever-evolving, sometimes supportive, sometimes ugly bond between two young gay guys. The story opens with  Robbie (Andrés Erickson), fresh from … Continue reading

First look of Irish actor (don’t say openly gay) Andrew Scott’s award-worthy performance in Netflix’s Ripley

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  Irish actor (don’t say openly gay) Andrew Scott who we fear will be unfairly overlooked by the Academy Award Nominating Committee for his stunning performance in All of Us Strangers is nevertheless about to stun us again. Netflix has just dropped this trailer for their new adaption of Patricia Highsmith’s Ripley novels.  Set in … Continue reading

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