
Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews LIE WITH ME “a tale about nostalgia, love and heartbreaking loss”

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Lie WIth Me, based on the novel by Philippe Besson, has a wistful charm that sits with you long after the film is over. It’s a tale about nostalgia, love and heartbreaking loss that begs you to feel nothing but kindness to all its characters.  Stephane Belcourt (Guillame de Tonquedec) is reluctantly visiting his small … Continue reading

Queerguru’s PICK OF MUST SEE MOVIES at San Diego’s FILMOUT queer Film Fest

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  San Diego is known to us for its Sailors and its sunshine, both of which we are very partial to.  It also hosts FILMOUT one of the longest-running film festivals in Southern California and the only LGBTQ film festival in the San Diego area. This well-respected Festival attracts both filmmakers and audiences from around … Continue reading

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