
Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews THE TAILOR MADE MAN the true story of one Hollywood’ greatest (gay) actors

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    The Tailor Made Man ⚝⚝⚝⚝ Prince of Wales, London  The West End has so many undiscovered gems that we are loath to burden you with even more FOMO, yet here we are at the Prince of Wales pub Drury Lane finding you a new pop up dinner theatre place with a show that … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews REMEMBRANCE MONDAY with a finely balanced line between heightened emotions and histrionics.

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Remembrance Monday ⚝⚝⚝⚝ Seven Dials Playhouse  The Seven Dials Playhouse in the West End is a tiny theatre. It only becomes more so in this Alan Souza directed play written by Michael Batten. The set is the smallest room in the house, the bathroom, a tub and a sink, and yet it still manages to … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews SHELF TEENAGE MEN “a really good hug of a show” at London’s Soho Theatre

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  Shelf: Teenage Men ⚝⚝⚝⚝ Soho Theatre In a world seemingly teetering on the cusp of the abyss, Shelf have a charm that’s hard to define. Deeply comforting and oddly wholesome Rachel WD and Ruby Clyde ease the audience along a journey of sexual and gender fluidity that seems effortlessly authentic, guilelessly hilarious, and wonderfully … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews ROSIE JONES TRIPLE THREAT @ the Soho Theatre “more dirty, dangerous and delightful.”

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    Rosie Jones Triple Threat ⚝⚝⚝⚝⚝ Soho Theatre Rosie Jones is a National Treasure. Or at least she aims to be, and as she has observed there seems to be a one in one out policy for the title she is ready to take down David Attenborough, Joanne Lumley, or any other able or … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews WHAT A FEELING ….. A Jolly Germanic Lesbian Romcom. at BFI Flare

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    As the British Film Institute Flare Festival heads into its final few days it’s nice to discover one of those quirky sub genres that makes these events special. Ladies, Gentlemen and Everybody let me introduce a new favourite, the Jolly Germanic Lesbian Romcom. It’s not often we get to put those three words … Continue reading

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