
Chris & Don : A Love Story

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When celebrated British Author Christopher Isherwood met a particularly young handsome man in his speedos on a  Santa Monica beach in the 1954, he was already 48 years old.  The boy, barely 18, and looking even younger, was Don Bachardy. And against all surmountable odds the mutual attraction between these two extremely different men, developed … Continue reading


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Re-watching Yen Tan’s ‘Pit Stop’ ….. undoubtably one of the best gay movies this year …. prompted me to take another of the movies that he helmed in 2008 as that too has a remarkably touching romance that also, for very different reasons, is not destined to last for long   ‘Ciao’ starts with Jeff coping … Continue reading

Milk : the legend who fought for a better life for us all

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  Given the recent electoral defeats in California and Florida, the opening of Gus Van Sant’s totally wonderful biopic on gay activist and martyr Harvey Milk couldn’t have been more auspicious.  It is an incredible record of a real maverick that bears witness to his life and his work.  A joyous tribute that will remind you … Continue reading

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