This rather baffling complex surrealist movie, the directing/writing debut of Georgian filmmaker Zaza Rusadze, is set in a small town in his country some time in the near future. The somewhat sketchy plot tells the story of young Dmitrij who has just come back from studying in Western Europe and now has a lowly monotonous clerical job in the … Continue reading
Somethings should simply not be re-visited years later after they were created/performed and bad sex is definitely on that list. Of course when I thought about re-watching Todd Verow’s grimy little movie that he made in 2004 I had obviously mis-remembered and far from it being an erotic take on the anonymous antics of a … Continue reading
The opening sequence of French writer/director Yann Gonzalez debut feature starts with confusion that never really eases up through this avant-garde art-house film. Ali and her young handsome beau Mathias (who may or may not be a zombie) are waiting with their transvestite maid Udo for their invited guests to arrive for an orgy. They include The … Continue reading