
Bambi : the fascinating journey of how Jean-Pierre Provout evolved into a Cabaret Star

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Jean-Pierre Provut was born in 1935 in a tiny village in Algeria, and one of his very earliest memories is of sitting on his mother’s lap as she tried in vain to get him to say his own name. It’s not that he couldn’t, but just that he wouldn’t.  He was happiest wearing his older sister’s … Continue reading

Blue Is The Warmest Color aka La Vie D’Adele

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Abdellatif Kechiche’s searingly beautiful story of two young women falling in and out of love with each other has got the Critics all riled up. Especially the heterosexual male ones who who have been almost unanimous in declaring this movie that includes long drawn out scenes of the most explicit lesbian sex as a ‘masterpiece’. … Continue reading

Eastern Boys

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Filmmaker Robin Campillo’s disturbing new thriller sharply contrasts two different sides of society in contemporary France with a very chilling effect.  The first chapter of his four part story is a near cinéma vérité scene of the Gard de Nord where a gang of Eastern European youths are trailing the platforms seemingly aimlessly, but are obviously set on … Continue reading


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During the opening credits we see a young woman trudging through snowy streets dressed in her bedtime attire and clutching a large scrapbook which she keeps looking at time to time.  The childish drawings are her clue to tracking down the apartment of her best friend Robin which miraculously she manages to do. The year … Continue reading

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