
Stories from My Gay Grandparents …. who come out of the closet after 50 years faking “straight”

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    Queerguru must admit that when it comes to being queer we do often worry about some Canadian’s take on it.   We were going to head north after previewing the latest queer TV dating show FARMING FOR LOVE  from Canada but this new web series is making us rethink as this may be more … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews Y A UNE ÉTOILE (THERE’S A STAR) a unique documentary about rural queer life of Nova Scotia

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    Generations of queer people from small villages and towns across the world have migrated to larger cities, looking for a more accepting community, more fun, better choice of partners and better career and cultural options. The same decision-making process, of course, applies to many straight people. But what if you’re queer and love … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Jose Mayorga reviews DAYS OF HAPPINESS (Les jours heureux) a lesbian romance that has to compete with a toxic paternal relationship

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  This Canadian relationship drama by director Chloé Robichaud follows the emotional journey of Emma (Sophie Desmarais) from the first scene: on a sunny day she jumps to rest on a floater at the pond, closes her eyes for a while and when she opens them again realizes she is far from the shore and … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Jose Mayorga reviews Canadian Drag Queen dramedy QUEEN TUT

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  The tale of Egyptian Nabil (Ryan Ali) his awareness and the reencounter, stitch by stitch, with his departed mother Selma in an urban overdeveloped Toronto. We learn Nabil, in his early 20s, was a single child from a broken marriage,  he and his mother lived in Cairo, she passed away and he moved to … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews ROSIE a warm-hearted Canadian tale about love in chosen families

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Rosie is a warm-hearted Canadian tale about love in chosen families. Set in 1980s Montreal, Rosie (Keris Hope Hill) is a young orphaned child who, following her mother’s death, is sent to live with her only known relative, artist Aunt Frederique (Melanie Bray). Frederique, however, lives a very chaotic, hand-to-mouth existence and can barely look … Continue reading

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