

  A rather compelling Tony Award Winner Lena Hall in her first starring role in a movie, makes this rather cute musical a much more entertaining experience than one may have otherwise expected from what is a somewhat very predictable drama.  Hall plays Becks an aspiring musician who packs up her life in New York … Continue reading

Berlin, I Love You ; the latest in the I Love You Cities movie series

  The ‘I Love You City’ series of movies started off with such a bang with the first film ‘Paris I Live You’ in 2006 but has been a rather major disappointment ever since  This latest, and the 4th in the franchise, is based in Berlin and as usual boasts an impressive line up of … Continue reading

Baby Steps

American/Taiwanese Danny has been with his artist boyfriend Tate for two years now and to mark their anniversary Tate gives him a portrait of them both that he has painted.  However what Danny really wants is a baby.  So too does his mother back in Taiwan who is desperate to be a grandmother, something that her … Continue reading

Back on Board : Greg Louganis

Greg Louganis is an American Hero. The sad thing is that it has taken such a long time for many people to truly acknowledge that. Despite him being a four-time US Olympic diving champion whose many records remain unbroken today, he never always got all the acclaim and rewards that other sportsmen got just because … Continue reading

Backstage Billy : the story of the QUEEN MOTHER’s loyal and faithfully queer butler

  The British Monarchy has always been subjected to the worse gossipmongers.  In Tudor times that would have resulted in one losing one’s head.  But it wasn’t until the arrival of Diana Spencer at the Court in the 1980s that took the whole subject up to a whole different level.  Not only were the Family … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:12


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