
Queerguru’s José Mayorga reviews ‘Becoming A Queen’ ….. of the Carnival

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  A LEGACY OF WOMANHOOD, CARNIVAL HISTORY, AND CARIBBEAN CULTURE   The year is 2018, and the film tells the real-life story of Joella Crichton, an actress, a York University graduate, and a contestant for thirteen years at the Caribana Festival that takes place during the summer in Toronto, Canada, where she has been reigning … Continue reading

Queerguru’s TOP PICKS OF MUST SEE MOVIES at Inside Out : Toronto’s Queer Film Fest

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  This Memorial Day Weekend the Queerguru  Team has hot-tailed it over the border to Toronto where INSIDE OUT LBGTQ Film Fest is in full swing.  Founded in 1991 Inside Out is Canada’s largest 2SLGBTQ+ Film Festival …. and one of our favorites too.  We particularly like the fact that amongst all the Juried Awards … Continue reading

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