
Of all the queer love stories released this Christmas season, Netflix’s SMILEY stands heads and shoulders above the rest

  Of all the queer love stories released this Christmas season, Netflix’s SMILEY stands heads and shoulders above the rest.  After watching the sanitized don’t-frighten-the-children  (or the straight) offerings from both Hallmark and Lifetime TV, it’s so refreshing to see something so authentically queer. However, its creator Guillem Clua who adapted the 8-part series from … Continue reading

Of Girls And Horses

Alex is a sullen rather troubled teenager who has been sent by her adoptive mother to work one summer as an intern on a remote farm in Northern Germany in the hope that this will help her resolve some of her internal struggles.  She is taught by thirty-something-year-old Nina how to train horses with the … Continue reading

Of Love and Law : Japanese gay lawyer couple perfect role models.

  Hikaru Toda’s Of Love and Life is a gentle meandering fly on-the-wall documentary on a charming couple of Japanese men who are not only a gay couple, but the first to head up their own law company.  Masafumi Yoshida and Kazayuki Minami — Fumi and Kazu together for over 13 years   are very happy … Continue reading

Oh Happy Day

Jonathan Law, an ambitious Marketing Executive, is at an annual Advertising Industry Awards Dinner watching all the winners collect their trophies. He is determined that next year it will be him on the stage being honored, but meanwhile later that night he manages to bag himself another prize.  David is a hot-looking New Yorker who … Continue reading

Oh Vey My Son Is Gay!

As the title clearly gives the game away you’ll know already that this movie is about the angst of a Jewish family when they discover their only precious son is not going to be bring home a nice girl home soon. Or in fact any time in the future. Not exactly an earth shattering scenario, … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:12


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