
Berlin’s SOURA QUEER FILM FEST that sheds light on cinematic talents from the SWANA region.

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  Queerguru covers most of the major LGBTQ+  Film Fests around the globe, but once in a while, we love to turn our attention to one of the smaller specialized queer Fests.  Just like the Soura Film Fest.  Its a Berlin-based fest that sheds light on cinematic talents from the SWANA (South West Asia & … Continue reading

Leo Adef’s SAFE : a stunning short doc on Berlin’s queer Ballroom scene

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  As a queer journalist sometimes you kick yourself when quite by chance you discover something truly wonderful that you really should have known about and celebrated before.  In this case it’s not a ‘thing but a person. Leo Adef is an Argentinean filmmaker and photographer based in Barcelona.  On a visit to Berlin to … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews DRIFTER ‘a tale of someone moving from being the outsider to the insider” at BFI Flare

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  The final film of the 2023 BFI Flare is Drifter and, it has to be said, it’s a delicious side-eyeing choice from the programmers to have the final film be one that leaves you thinking ‘where is this going?’ for the first 60 minutes of its 79-minute length. Moritz (Lorenz Hochhuth) moves to Berlin … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews “Narcissism – The Auto-erotic images” award-winning documentary about gender, narcissism, and self-love.

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  This is a fascinating, award-winning documentary about gender, narcissism, and self-love. How do we look in the mirror? Do we allow ourselves a narcissistic or even covetous view? And how is it influenced by our gender and/or socialisation? Are we able to love ourselves and our reflection? And why do lesbians often have a … Continue reading

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