
Queerguru’s Jose Mayorga reviews ‘We All Lie My Darling’. facing discrimination, HIV, and love.

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A based on true events story is set in Sydney. We follow Nick  (Callum Needham) into the Stonewall Club after he has been expelled from his mother’s home because she learns he is gay and she doesn’t want to have him close to her.  At the club, he finds his cousin and friends. He moves … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews PINECONE a queer Indian film that’s an exploration of love, relationships, and self-discovery.

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  Like so much of the old British Empire when Brits finally exited countries they had colonized they left behind some very restrictive and inhumane laws.  India is one such case.  The country gained independence in 1947  but it took the Indian Supreme Court another 70 years to repeal the  British Colonial law that had … Continue reading


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Life is about to change big time for Sid (Debargo Sanyal), and not all of it is of his choosing.  Recovering from the breakup from a closeted boyfriend (Pierre-Yves Cardinal) Sid has decided it is now time to dress like a woman in public and start taking hormones to finally starting his transitioning.  If that isn’t unsettling … Continue reading

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