

This somewhat intriguing and totally bizarre documentary tells the very odd tale of Marc, a rotund man in his fifties, critically ill from a debilitating condition he has suffered with since childhood who is indulging himself for what may very well be the last time. He has somehow accumulated considerable wealth which seems at odds … Continue reading

Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind : an HBO Doc

  This new documentary about the three-time Oscar Nominated actress Natalie Wood has not only been sanctioned by her family but daughter Natasha Gregson Wagner acts as an adhoc host.  Even so it still seems inevitable that any sort of biography of Wood is always dominated by her early tragic death and sadly at the … Continue reading


On paper Margaret and Nate’s friendship seems odd verging on highly unlikely.  She is a 52-year-old unmarried woman with an odd sense of style who cannot recall her last relationship and works in a Coffee Shop for minimum wage whilst she yearns to follow her dream of being a Stand Up Comic.  He is a … Continue reading


Old and dishevelled Woody Grant looks like he is on his last legs. Unemployed, crotchety and ornery, completely ignores his wife, and barely able to walk, but that doesn’t stop him being stubbornly determined to trek some 900 old miles by foot on a whim that he has won $1 million dollars.  He has received … Continue reading


I’ve never been a fan of the supernatural but the buzz around this movie back in 2010 intrigued me sufficiently to want to see I would change my mind.  The story from the best selling novel that almost won Kazuo Ishiguro the Booker Prize, is about children who are reared with the sole purpose in … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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