
Alive Inside

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I cannot remember exactly how social worker Dan Cohen came across his amazing discovery but what we can see from this heart-warming documentary about him putting it in to practice is the undisguised joy from all the people who are reaping from his ‘invention’. Cohen established that elderly hospitalized patients numbed the cruel ravages of … Continue reading

Been Rich All My Life

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In my continuing quest to catch up with American Cultural Icons that never featured anywhere in my Brit upbringing, I discovered this wee gem of a documentary from 2006 about 5 octogenarian ex-chorus dancing girls from Harlem who are still dancing professional.  The Silver Belles may be falling apart physically and ‘can’t remember shit’, but … Continue reading

Begin Again

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When I sat watching writer/director John Carney’s  latest movie that was hoping to follow on with the surprise success of his last hit, instead of being enthralled by the warbling tones of singer/songwriter Gretta on screen I just couldn’t get a certain Sondheim lyric out of my head. ‘Once, yes, once for a lark, Twice, though, … Continue reading

Bob Wilson’s Life & Death of Marina Abramovic

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The acclaimed avant-garde theater and opera director Robert Wilson was passing through New York one day when he received an urgent phone call from his friend Marina Abramovic, the celebrated performance artist, demanding that he should see her immediately. When he protested that he was busy the whole day, she didn’t let up.  ‘I NEED … Continue reading


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French filmmaker Mia Hansen-Love’s new movie is a love story of the music of a generation where the plot and people involved really do take a back seat. Right from the opening scene set in 1992 in Parisian suburbs where another illicit rave scene party is taking place in an old deserted fort where they … Continue reading

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