The movie opens with Madelena an elderly peasant woman slowly trundling along a dis-used railway line to deliver the few loaves of bread she has baked to sell in the local store. She’s greeted by an annoyed looking Antonio the store owner who barks at her to stack the bread his way which she totally … Continue reading
There is good taste, and then there is incest. It’s surprising that I can sit and watch a lot of suspect and even deviant behaviour amongst (consenting) adults on the silver screen, but this is one topic that I feel is just a tad too icky even for me. Especially when it comes in the … Continue reading
Val is a much put-upon live-in maid to a lazy and self-absorbed wealthy family in Sao Paulo. She’s the housekeeper, cleaner, cook, gardener and even pool boy, yet she’s practically invisible to her employers Barbara and Carlos until they want something. Strangely enough she accepts their rather callous and off-hand treatment mainly because being there … Continue reading