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Tallulah (Ellen Page), known to all as Lu, and Nico (Evan Jonigkeit) are a couple of young itinerants living hand to mouth out of their dilapidated van as they criss cross the country filling their gas tank courtesy of the credit card they stole from Nico’s mother.  When Nico announces one day that he wants to pack … Continue reading

306 Hollywood

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  Visual artist siblings Elan and Jonathan Bogarin describe their very personal documentary about their maternal grandmother as ‘magical-realist’.  After she dies the pair persuade their mother to delay selling grandmother’s New Jersey house so they can conduct an ‘archaeological dig’ that will serve as an excavation into her life. Anette Ontel the matriarch of their … Continue reading

A Good Wife

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Milena is an attractive 50-something-year old who lives with her husband in their comfortable middle-class home in a small suburb not far from Belgrade.  She seems to spend her life of the edge of perpetually about to do something, which she never follows through on. Her days are spent aimlessly looking perplexed and anxious as … Continue reading

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