

Posted on Categories 5 min movie guideLabels , , ,

Filmmaker Olivia Silver’s debut narrative is a rather interminable road movie that spends so long getting nowhere. A dysfunctional young family is forced by their father to suddenly move across country from New England to California. At dawn one morning he simply hustles them into his station wagon heading towards a new job and a … Continue reading


Posted on Categories 5 min movie guideLabels , ,

  I guess this new hip, slightly grubby, apocalyptic indie movie could be classified as ‘mumblecore* plus’ i.e. it’s a tad more professional (despite the minuscule budget) and more accessible than others in that genre.   It’s about two young men barely grown up who are best friends, good looking, immensely personable, very funny and quick-witted, and who are … Continue reading

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