
306 Hollywood

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  Visual artist siblings Elan and Jonathan Bogarin describe their very personal documentary about their maternal grandmother as ‘magical-realist’.  After she dies the pair persuade their mother to delay selling grandmother’s New Jersey house so they can conduct an ‘archaeological dig’ that will serve as an excavation into her life. Anette Ontel the matriarch of their … Continue reading

Boom for Real: The Late Teenage Years of Jean-Michel Basquiat

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  There already have been several documentaries about the life of Jean-Michel Basquiat who is considered to be one of the greatest artists of the 20th Century, but Sara Driver’s new one just focuses purely on his late teenage years.  There is no discussion on his childhood in Brooklyn or how he ended up in SoHo the first place, as … Continue reading


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Dumplin is one of those cute but awkward chick-lit comedies that have become Jennifer Anniston’s raison d’etre.  They are no stretch for her and she still manages to put in a charmed performance even in this latest lightweight role.  The main trouble is that this she is part of a comedy that clumsily attempts to … Continue reading

Generation Wealth

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  Lauren Greenfield’s overly ambitious new documentary that looks at the myriad negative effects of obscene wealth is intriguing even it lacks the clarity of her previous work such as the rather brilliant  Queen of Versailles.  Greenfield’s focus is not just with some of the people whose lives have been damaged by their compulsive need … Continue reading

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