
Boys State : the making of the next generation of political junkees

  We have to confess the very concept of the annual American Legion run Boys State Event filled our democratic hearts with horror.  Ite been going on since 1935 and is a week-long exercise at teaching selected high school-students how to play politics and establish a state government. Set in red-neck Texas,  filmmakers  Amanda McBaine … Continue reading

Bad Boy Street

It’s dawn in Paris, Yann a middle-aged gay man is walking home when he spots a cute young man lying in the gutter. Turns out he’s drunk and an American tourist. The street is in the 4th Arrondissement and is called Rue des Mauvais Garcons : hence the movie title. Next morning the boy wakes up and cannot remember … Continue reading

Ballet 422

Being plucked from the lowly ranks of the Corps de Ballet to be thrust into the forefront and ask to choreograph a new ballet for the prestigious New York City Ballet is the stuff that dreams are made of. For 25 year old dancer Justin Peck this dream actually became a reality, and filmmaker Jody Lee … Continue reading

Ballet Boys

Ballet Boys is a feature length documentary that follows in the footsteps of three adolescent male dancers as they are about to graduate from the Norwegian Ballet Academy and move on to the next stage of their training. These classmates, who are also very good friends, all love dancing but they are coming to the … Continue reading

Ballroom Rules

  I’ve been dancing my socks off this month cinematically speaking.  First the subliminal PINA (and I am still doing the ‘4 Seasons’ dance in my head), then DANCEMAKER the documentary on one of the world’s greats contemporary choreographers PAUL TAYLOR. Followed a frenetic look at the manic craziness of kiddies competing in the World Irish Dancing Championships in JIG, and … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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