Saturday, September 24th, 2022

INTERESTED IN the deeply touching and hilarious coming-of-age web series is BACK with SERIES 2


We have no idea how we let the first web series of INTERESTED IN slip by our eagle-eyed team of reviewers, but now we have discovered Series 2 that has just kicked off on YouTube we have become totally addicted.  

Created by its star NY-based actor, writer and director Michael Witkes  …. who’s alter-ego is award-winning drag queen Pink Pancake …. and we suspect it may be loosely based on his own life.  The first series was about the coming-of-age of college student Parker (played by Witkes) and his painful steamy fumbling encounters (that I think we can all personally relate to). We follow his journey in Philadelphia (also Wilkes’s hometown) as he adjusts to life out of the closet., During his first openly gay hookup, Parker realizes he has much to learn. Through guidance from his best friend, Danny, and various hook-up encounters, Parker learns to reinvent himself as he begins to freely express his sexuality for the first time. 

It’s extremely touching and also hilariously funny and the fact that Witkes only cast gay men to play gay men in this very talented cast,  adds to the authenticity that sets this queer dramedy above so many others.  The fact that they are also very ‘easy on the eye’ doesn’t hurt either ….lol

In the new Season, 2 Parker falls into the old trap of trying to find validation through sexual encounters (been there, done that) and Wilkes captures this rite of passage so perfectly making us want to root for Parker throughout.  I so wish I had been that witty that young ….

Luckily his childhood best friend Anya is on hand to help him learn to heal, respect his body, and love the skin he’s in. 

The whole thing is very entertaining and you will find yourself binge-watching it all so eager to know what happens next.  It is also exactly what I wished I had been able to watch when I was Parker’s age (a very long time ago).

Congrats Micheal Witkes, and thank you for putting a silly grin on my face that lasted all day.


You can watch the entire series 1 & 2 on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/InterestedInSeries

Posted by queerguru  at  12:13


Genres:  coming of age, webseries

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