
I’m Gonna Make You Love Me

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  As more and more  transgender stories surface onto our screens, we realise that no two of them are ever the same. Some people’s transitioning journeys are so extremely unique  that they not only challenge many of our perceptions, but also make us re-think gender-fludity yet again. Brian Belovitch’s story is one of those.  Born … Continue reading

Draw With Me : the touching tale of a trans teen

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  We are always writing in Queerguru that giving trans issues as much visibility as possible can only help progress acceptance and understanding for this part of our community.  Any and every contribution to the continuing dialogue is always welcomed,  none  more so than “Draw With Me “a new short film sponsored by The Trevor … Continue reading

Changing The Game: the trials and triumphs of three trans teen athletes

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Michael Barnett’s thought-provoking documentary about the trials and triumphs of trans teenager athletes was made in the Trump era where society was encouraged to express rampant transphobia.  In fact, violently oppose everything that was not about white cis-gendered men. Whilst the topic of trans sportsmen and women may surface in the media quite often, it … Continue reading

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