Just 10 days to go to Valentines Day, the one day a year when it’s not just OK to be seen to be lovey-dovey with your partner, it is totally expected and even the most unromantic souls have to step up to the plate for 24 hours at least. If you are in the latter … Continue reading
Still cannot decide what to wear tomorrow night to celebrate New Years Eve? Still hanker back to those days when we all really dressed up for the occasion? Well those clever people over at Mode You Tube Channel have put together another of their very clever videos of their condensed histories of mens; fashion and … Continue reading
We vowed never ever to publish any cuddly cat or cute dog stories here on queerguru BUT we couldn’t resist this Dog’s Guide to Paris especially as it reminds us of one of our four legged friends who loved that City so much.
In case you’ve been nowhere the sports pages this week, then you may not know that Abby Wambach has just played her very last game of soccer. Wambach openly gay and a six-time winner of the U.S. Soccer Athlete of the Year award, has been a regular on the U.S. women’s national soccer team since 2003 … Continue reading
Last week in a rare opinion piece, QUEERGURU raised its grave concern about how queer sites like ours are now the target of self-appointed censors of public morality who are determined to inflict their personal (religious) beliefs on the world at large. We pointed out that this so reeks of rampant homophobia, something we … Continue reading