
A Billion Times I Love You : a queer love story

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Founded in 2004, the Liverpool UK-based HOMOTOPIA Festival is now the UK’s longest-running LGBTQIA arts and culture festival. It’s art an and social justice organization that is making a significant cultural impact through both art and activism. Every October/November the Homotopia Festival presents a variety of LGBTQIA art across multiple venues and outdoor spaces in the … Continue reading

HOMOTOPIA Festival : Queer Joy Is A Protest

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  Back in 2009 official research discovered that there were 94000 queer people living in, and around Liverpool, England. To put it in perspective that is about the same size as the LGBTQ community in San Francisco. Then later in 2017  when gay communities in major hubs did their own research  Liverpool was voted number 51 … Continue reading

The Eurovision Song Contest: the kitschiest and queerest longest running TV program in the World

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  The Eurovision Song Contest now in its 67th Year is probably one of the kitschiest TV programs ever.  The contest is one of the longest-running television programs in the world and among the world’s most-watched non-sporting events. A total of 52 countries have taken part in at least one edition, with a record 43 … Continue reading

The Extravagent Bottomless Drag Brunch @ Liverpool’s grand Philamonic Dining Hall

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  In most cities nowadays we always think that another Starbucks is just a spit away, however when it comes to gay resorts/communities its exactly the same with Drag Brunches.   On one sunny day this summer in Provincetown we actually counted 10 of them. It’s wonderful to see them sprout up over et the country … Continue reading

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