
Stephen Coy reviews BOY ERASED: a harrowing memoir of conversion therapy

  Growing up I heard an oft-repeated joke about Church of Christ members.  As someone enters heaven, St. Peter leads him on a tour.  The newly ascended asks St. Peter, “Who is that group in the corner talking amongst themselves?”  St. Peter replies, “Shhh!  Those are Church of Christ-ers.  They think they are the only … Continue reading

Spanish Police Loved This Man’s Big Package

So if you catch any hot-looking Spanish Police Officers at Madrid Airport staring at your crotch, they claim it is not because they are cruising you, but that they are  simply   looking at your ‘private area’ for drugs.   Hard to believe but it is true.  When they spotted this man yesterday with a … Continue reading

Stephen Fry Hates Dancing

The openly gay English comedian, actor, writer, presenter and activist STEPHEN FRY is extremely definite on what he loves and also what he loathes. His very funny televised rant about how much he hates dancing inspired Los Angeles-based filmmaker and dancer JO ROY to respond  in the most appropriate way she could, through the medium of interpretive dance. The … Continue reading

Spinning in Love

Matthew Richardson, an Montreal based American circus performer specializing in Roue Cyr, has created a rather stunning new video that he has dedicated to  “memory of our brothers and sisters lost in Orlando.”  The ‘dance’ or ”routine’ represents the purest story of all about two men meeting and falling in love. It is an exhilarating and exciting … Continue reading

Streaking Naked For Tigers

Back by popular  demand is one of the oddest streaks/naked runs ever. ZSL London Zoo is looking for supporters to strip off and bare all as they run around the Zoo as a fundraiser to help save the tigers.   The first event was such a success  last year that they are inviting people back  on the … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:15


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