
10 of The Best Coming Out Movies

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To celebrate National Coming Out Day queerguru picks  10 of The Best Coming Out Movies  1) The Way He Looks : An award winning Brazilian film written and directed by Daniel Ribeiro about a blind schoolboy and his virginal innocent friend who are slow to realize their feelings for each other.  Tender, with some neat … Continue reading

Miss Coco Peru shops for Tchotchkes

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queerguru used to think that being dragged around jam packed stores full of tchotchkes in the Holiday season by my shopaholic fiancé was worse than undergoing waterboard torture, but when the fabulous Miss Coco Peru casts her critical eye and very sharp wit on a visit to the Cost Plus World Market, shopping suddenly seems a lot more … Continue reading

Pee Wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special from 1988

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If you run out of recreational drugs this Christmas (as if!) then queerguru recommends watching Pee Wee’s Playhouse Christmas from 1988 which will have exactly the same effect on you.  This bizarre and wacky Christmas Special actually got three Emmy nominations and is the story of how Pee-wee’s Christmas wish list is so long that … Continue reading

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