
Dr Evadne Hinge (aka George Logan) one half of the unforgettable musical duo Hinge and Bracket dies aged 78

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  Sad news reached the Queerguru Office from The Old Manse in Stackton Tressel in Suffolk UK about the passing of Dr. Evadne Hinge, one-half of the legendary musical duo Hinge and Bracket who morphed from playing London’s infamous gay pubs to starring in a production of the opera Die Fledermaus. at The Royal Opera House  … Continue reading

Remembering Dr. Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket two extraordinary Edwardian ‘drag’ artists

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  The quintessential British Dr. Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket were an extraordinary musical duo that stole so many hearts as outrageous Edwardian ‘drag’ artists.  Their heartwarming rags to riches story may seem like a gay fairy story now, but for those of us in the Uk during that period, every line is very … Continue reading

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