
Carmen Maria Machado’s ‘In The Dream House’ : reviewed by Golnoosh Nour: the latest addition to the Queerguru Team

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IN THE NIGHTMARE HOUSE IN THE DREAM HOUSE is a mind-blowingly original book; not just because of its dreamy prose that weaves gothic aesthetics with hyperrealism, but also the incredibly sensitive subject matter – domestic abuse within a lesbian relationship. Sensitive for all the nuanced and well-argued reasons mentioned in the book, including the fear … Continue reading

Dennis Cooper : I WISHED “one of the most anticipated books of 2021” is reviewed by Golnoosh Nour

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I WISHED is one of the most anticipated books of 2021. It is Dennis Cooper’s first novel in a decade and is described as ‘his most open and personal work to date’ by Soho Press, and ‘his most surreal, disturbing, vulnerable work yet’ by Vogue. According to Kirkus Reviews, I WISHED ‘…expands the possibilities of … Continue reading

Golnoosh Nour: The Ministry of Guidance & other stories ‘queer in the truest & most profound sense’

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As this book’s dedication asserts, these stories are “for all the queers”, and a queerer collection of short stories you’re unlikely to encounter this year. These tales are queer in the truest and most profound sense, existing at the dangerous and fertile intersection of gender, ethnicity, class and sexuality. In the first story, set in … Continue reading

Queer Life, Queer Love

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  We will admit to being a tad biased on this new glorious anthology of the best writing from the margins as one of its editors is Queerguru contributor Golnoosh Nour, and it includes work from Queerguru Contributing Editor Jonathan Kemp  Queer Life, Queer Love explores characters, stories, and experiences beyond the mainstream. Celebrating the … Continue reading


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Queerguru asked two of our prominent book reviewers for their FIVE FAVORITE QUEER BOOKS OF 2021.   Queerguru London Contributing Editor Jonathan Kemp writes fiction and non-fiction and teaches creative writing at Middlesex University. He is the author of two novels – London Triptych (2010), which won the 2011 Authors’ Club Best First Novel Award, … Continue reading

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