
It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas : music picks by Allison Ananis

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  “Sam has the kind of voice that can seamlessly fly across any sonic landscape. It opens up so much room in the studio” – this is how singer and songwriter Samantha Farrell has been described by her music producer and I could not agree more. I went to undergrad with Sam at Bowdoin College … Continue reading

Tom Goss, Deven Green and Handsome Ned : Undercover Summer

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  With one fun spritz of Undercover Summer one of Queerguru’s favorite musical trios of Tom Goss,  Ned Douglas, and Deven Green will appear in your pool…or just make you wet. It’s summer in a bottle. Enjoy their song, Undercover Summer, and feel the results. The intoxicating notes of fresh coconut and light breezes will … Continue reading

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