
And Now For Something Totally Different : The Fabulist Fox Sister

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Don’t feel bad if you have never never heard of Kate Fox aka The Fabulist Fox Sister, because we haven’t either. But thanks to Brit writer/performer Michael Conley that could be all about to change with what he calls ‘ a musical lie.” Loosely inspired by the loosely true story of Kate Fox, who in … Continue reading

If Iris Apfel ever had offsprings they would probably be Orren Davis Jordan and Robert Parker

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  It’s quite a while since we have been mildly entertained by anything in Vogue ….. probably ever since Dame Anna’s job went global. However, this latest issue has a profile on a Sante Fe couple who could easily be mistaken as Iris Apfel‘s offspring.  Even in Sante Fe one of the most fashionable art … Continue reading

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