
MATT BELL talks about The Boys In The Band

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  Last week producer Ryan Murphy announced a star-studded Broadway revival of The Boys in the Band so queerguru talked to Matt Bell an Associate Professor at Bridgewater State University & Editor of a volume of Essays on the play The Boys in the Band: Flashpoints of Cinema, History, and Queer Politics (Contemporary Approaches to Film and Media Series) published last year by Wayne … Continue reading

Peaches Christ and the return her long-lost demented, blood-splattered classic cult ALL ABOUT EVIL

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    The expression twirling in our minds right now is ‘ you cant keep a good woma down‘.  We’re not totally sure if that is complete;y applicable to  Peaches Christ as some would say that is really stretching the definition of good.    One thing is for sure, you can never keep her down, … Continue reading

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