
All the robes of the fiercely anti-gay POPE are designed by a hunky openly queer man. Go figure!

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    Barely a week ago the media was full of reports that The Pope  used an offensive gay slang word during a meeting with Italian bishops, where he joked about the number of gay men in seminaries..  Pope Francis repeated his opposition to openly gay men joining priest training colleges, and then joked that … Continue reading

Surf Up’s : How designer Tristan Detwiler is making new out of old

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  The New York Times said, ”Mr Detwiler appeared as if out of nowhere. His first ever STAN collection looked as polished as the work of more seasoned designers”. These are comments about 23-year-old Tristan Detwiler after his debut at New York’s Fashion Week recently. Champion Surfer and Model, Detwiler, who was raised and lived … Continue reading

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