Just 10 days to go to Valentines Day, the one day a year when it’s not just OK to be seen to be lovey-dovey with your partner, it is totally expected and even the most unromantic souls have to step up to the plate for 24 hours at least. If you are in the latter … Continue reading
The most hotly anticipated movie that all fashionistas everywhere are desperate to see is finally about to burst on to our screens. ‘The First Monday in May’ is the story of The Met Gala one of THE most exciting social events in NY that that manages to bring together the most illustrious figures in fashion, film, … Continue reading
As the NRA have had very little touch with reality for decades then I guess it should really not have shocked us that much that their backroom bods who churn out all their propaganda steeped in all its make believe, should now turn their hands to re-writing children’s fairytales. Would we be too cynical if … Continue reading
Naked protesters from Act Up London stormed the building of Gilead Sciences the other day to protest the exorbitant high cost of the antiretroviral drug Truvada, that they produce and is used widely in the treatment of HIV. Spokesperson Dani Singer of ACT UP London said, “ Globally, more than two billion people do not have regular access to … Continue reading
So if you catch any hot-looking Spanish Police Officers at Madrid Airport staring at your crotch, they claim it is not because they are cruising you, but that they are simply looking at your ‘private area’ for drugs. Hard to believe but it is true. When they spotted this man yesterday with a … Continue reading