
Bull & Dagger London’s 1st Genderqueer Fashion Label

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One of most exciting developments that has happened as the gender queer community continues to evolve, is the determination to find new ways to express their identities in every manner of things, which increasingly includes the way we dress.  As queerguru was an integral part of the UK fashion industry for many years, we appreciate that … Continue reading

John Jarboe, ‘Rose : You Are Who You Eat:’ Makes Cannibalism Palatable

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    Rose: You Are Who You Eat  ☆☆☆☆☆ GUGGENHEIM. NY This brilliant energetic 75-minute nonstop performance often hilarious, thought-provoking, moving, with just enough audience perception has you wanting to see it again and again.   John Jarboe’s story comes full circle on stage as she erotically tastefully strips down to her Calvin’s and I’m not … Continue reading

Sam Smith and KIm Petras : Unholy Alliance

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  Confession time of sorts.   The Queerguru Team does not always agree on everything that makes it to our pages.  But we seem to be unanimous about the genderqueer Brit singer Sam Smith.  We just don’t like them.  Yes we know they are highly successful winning four Grammy Awards, three Brit Awards, three Billboard Music Awards, and an American Music … Continue reading

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