
Georg Meyer-Weil: RIVERMAN his new solo exhibit at London’s Fitzrovia Gallery

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    In his 2023 solo Exhibition RIVERMAN  at the Fitzrovia Gallery in London, George Meyer-Weil  shows a new body of works on paper and canvas, depicting the male figure along waterways.   His latest paintings reveal man as a small part of a much larger ‘picture’ referencing his elemental collectedness  to water and the natural … Continue reading

Georg Meyer-Weil’s new exhibition PUNCH explores the subject of boxing and wrestling. 

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    Queer London artist Georg Meyer-Wiel‘s fascination with exploring masculinity through a rich variety of media comes through so brilliantly in his new work in his latest solo exhibition PUNCH which opens this week at London’s Fitzrovia Gallery and presents new drawings on paper, exploring the subject of boxing and wrestling.    Since graduating … Continue reading

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