
The Belles of St Trinians : the Brit classic farce is now on Blu-Ray

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  After just reviewing The Courier a British spy thriller set in the 1960’s, we are going further back in time to the 1950’s for a classic British farce that is just being released on Blu Ray.  Exactly why Independent film studio Film Movement are resurrecting is unsure.  This quintessential British post-world-war-2 movie will no … Continue reading

The Day Shall Come : a black comedy farce about some would-be terrorists

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  For Queerguru,  British  satirist Chris Morris’s  feature film debut FOUR LIONS was one of the very best movies at Sundance in 2010. This black comedy about an inept group of British Pakistani terrorists pushed any hint of good taste out of the window and stunned the Park City crowd onto silence. It was not … Continue reading

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