
Queerguru’s Jose Mayorga reviews THE BEAUTIFUL SUMMER  (La bella estate) from Laura Luchetti

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  Set in Pre-war Turin with  Benito Mussolini´s speeches as background, the film shows the journey into adulthood of a young woman from the countryside coming to the city with her brother, in a story held by pins. Ginia (Yile Yara Vianello) is a skillful and dedicated seamstress, dress and pattern maker working at a … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Janet Prolman reviews Girls Don’t Cry (Le ragazze non piangono) that screened at Wicked Queer   

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    What dyke wouldn’t enjoy a road movie featuring two women in a camper van?   Especially an old, beat-up camper that has been lovingly cleaned, restored, and decorated by the main character, Ele.  This subtitled movie from Italy begins with a blurry nighttime shot of a young woman running from a building, with men in … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews MASCARPONE: THE RAINBOW CAKE ‘a very entertaining feature on the quest for love’

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  Mascarpone: The Rainbow Cake (Maschile Plural) is the sequel to 2021’s award-winning debut Mascarpone. (see our review HERE) In the first film, handsome thirty-year old Italian, Antonio (Giancarlo Commare), splits up with his husband and moves in with a sex worker, Denis. Denis fixes him up with a job as an apprentice baker with … Continue reading

Queerguru’s James Judd reviews FIREWORKS a Italian queer love story based on an infamous hate crime

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    Can’t two twinks fall in love in peace in 1980 Sicily? No. In a nutshell, that is the story of Fireworks, a new film by Giuseppe Fiorello based on the true story of an infamous hate crime. It imagines the days leading up to the murder of two young men whose deaths caused … Continue reading

‘Italy’s most handsome man’ quits modeling to become a priest

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  Just 4 years ago when he was just 17 years old Edorado Santini was voted the most handsome in Italy but now he has quit his modeling job to join the priesthood.  After a lifetime of studying drama and dance to achieve his dream of becoming a star, he said on social media Saturday … Continue reading

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