
Pier Kids : homelesss LGBTQ kids of color forging their own sense of community

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  Elegance Bratton’s compelling documentary on the homeless LGBTQ kids of color that center their lives around the piers in NY’s Greenwich village has been years in the making.  He started filming in 2011 and shot footage up until 2016 by when some of the kids had grown up, and a few had sadly died, … Continue reading

London LGBT Homeless get its first ever Shelter

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London  LGBTQ Homeless Shelter has been given a permement home, complete with community centre, in a disused Fire Station in Shoreditch.  The Mayor Sadiq Khan pitched is some £50,000 to convert the 100 year old building which had been closed since 2014,  and which made it possible LGBTQ homelessness charity The Outside Project to proceed … Continue reading

Queer Britain : Out On The Streets

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In the third episode on the UK’s BBC new ground-breaking TV series Queer Britain presenter YouTuber and journalist Riyadh Khalaf explores the issues behind the statistic that one in four young homeless people in Britain identifies as LGBTQ+. He meets rough sleeper Damian on the streets of Birmingham, follows John as he is re-housed into a temporary flat in Scotland, and speaks … Continue reading

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