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Jon Garcia talks about The Falls Trilogy

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Writer/director Jon Garcia has just completed the final part of The Falls trilogy which traces a couple of young gay Mormons missionaries as they come to terms with their sexuality within the confines of their faith. Coming out as gay can be tough enough for many people, but attempting to do that as an active member of the Church of Latter Day Saints is nigh on impossible.

Things however are changing and in The Falls Grace of Covenant,  RJ and Chris are determined to resolve the issues that have kept them apart to see if they could ever live happily ever after together from now on.

On the eve of the release of The Falls Covenant of Grace, Garcia talks to queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack about this highly successful LGBT trilogy evolved and why he thought it time to give some closure to these young men’s struggle    The interview is filmed via FaceTime for P.T.V. 


For queerguru’s full review of the movie check out http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2016/11/falls-covenant-grace

queerguru reviews The Dressmaker

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Kate Winslet stars in the one of the campest movies of the year as Tilly Dunnage when she sweeps into her dustbowl hometown in a remote part of the Australian Outback dressed to the nines. In the 20 years since she left in the middle of the night Tilly has reinvented herself a couture dressmaker who has been making fancy frocks for fashionable Europeans.  Now she wants to solve the murder-mystery to see who is really to blame but first she seeks to win over the local hostile women by making them look fabulous.

queerguru reviews The Dressmaker for P.T.V.



queerguru reviews Denial

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Denial is based on a very real story that started in 1996 when the right-wing British author and historian David Irving (Timothy Spall) filed a libel suit against a Jewish-American history professor Deborah Lipstadt (Rachel Weisz) and her British publisher Penguin Books for publishing a British edition of Lipstadt’s book ‘Denying the Holocaust’.  In her book Lipstadt called Irving a Holocaust denier, falsifier, and bigot, and said that he manipulated and distorted real documents.

The movie is all about the Trial in the  UK High Court where Lipstadt was forced to have to prove the very existence of the Holocaust itself.

Reviewed by queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack for P.T.V.


Filmmaker Adam Garnet Jones talks about FIRE SONG

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It is an achingly beautiful story compassionately toladamd and one that is tinged with more than it’s share of sadness, as openly gay Garnet Jones shows how tough it is for LGBT people to be themselves in this tight small communities.

After picking up Awards on the Film Festival circuit, the movie is being released by Wolfe Video and is available streaming on most major global platforms that carry LGBT films, on November 8th 2016.  To mark the occasion the filmmaker talked to queerguru via Facetime all about his movie for an interview for P.T.V.

P.S. You can read also queerguru’s full review of the movie HERE


Remembering Pulse at P Towns Swim 4 Life

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Filmmaker Brandon Cordeiro  was in New York the day after the massacre at the Pulse Club in Orlando and immediately on hearing the news, he became one of organizers of the spontaneous Vigil held later that day outside the Stonewall Inn. Later back home in Provincetown he decided that an appropriate way to both memorialize the innocent victims and to help raise funds for the survivors was to form a special Team to participate in P Town’s Annual Swim For Life.

For Cordeiro it marked a full circle as earlier that year he had released his first short movie called Ribbons which was about him as a young gay boy growing up in P.Town and witnessing the growth of the Swim For Life which had started 29 years ago to raise much needed funds for people with HIV.  The AIDS pandemic had greatly impacted the town’s significant LGBT population, but it’s very crucial legacy from that difficult era was the way it brought the community together as a whole.

Each of the seemingly endless yards of strings of colorful ribbons that flutter in the wind at every Swim For Life bares a personal dedication to someone’s memory.  This year the Event’s Director Jay Critchley decided to add one black ribbon for each of the people who lost their lives at Pulse, and in moving ceremony they were tied on to the display after each name was read out loud.  Cordeiro was one of the speakers there and he announced plans to not only  swim himself this year but to form a group with other swimmers specifically to honor the 49 innocent people.

queerguru talked to Cordeiro as he was donning his wetsuit just about to start the swim ….. and waited there to make sure he got back safely !

To read more about Cordeiro’s movie, check out our interview with him for PTV earlier this summer  http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2016/06/brandon-cordeiro-talks-ribbons-piff16

P.S. Provincetown’s annual SWIM FOR LIFE is now 29 years old, and has raised over $4million to help AIDS, Women’s Health and the Community. http://swim4life.org/


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