

videos on all things queer cultural

Aaron Costa Ganis talks about LAZY EYE to Queerguru

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On the eve of the World Premiere of LAZY EYE at the Provincetown International Film Festival earlier this summer, one of its two (very hot) stars, Aaron Costa Ganis talked to Queeguru about acting in this rather wonderful ex-love story.

Now as the movie is about to have its NY premiere at NewFest on October 22nd before being released in selected US movie theaters on November 11th, we are re-publishing our interview which was filmed by Heather Reed at Sage Lounge & Inn for P.T.V.




Click HERE to see Queerguru’s full review of the movie.

Tim Kirkman talks about LAZY EYE to queerguru

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On eve of the World Premiere of Lazy Eye at the Provincetown International Film Festival in June, writer/director Tim Kirkman sat down to talk with queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack about his (rather brilliant) ex-love story.

Now as the movie is about to have its NY premiere at NewFest on October 22nd before being released in selected US movie theaters on November 11th, we are re-publishing our interview which was filmed by Heather Reed at the Sage Lounge & Inn for P.T.V.


Click HERE to see queerguru’s full review of the movie.


Alden Peters talks about COMING OUT with queerguru

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When 20 year old filmmaker Alden Peters decided he was ready to come out as a gay man to his family and friends he did some research to see if he could find any sort of guidelines to help him handle the situation.  He was particularly concerned with how to deal with the next step after his coming out, but sadly he could find nothing at all that offered any real advice. This was all about the same time as the tragic death of college student Tyler Clementi who took his own life after being outed by a roommate, and so the whole dialogue about the sensitive subject had publicly taken on a new dimension in the media.

So in the end the utterly charming Peters did it the only way he knew, and that was to film each of the encounters which he hoped would then help him and his immediate circle understand the situation better.

Peters was unquestionably one of the lucky ones with a family that loves him unconditional and a set of friends that accept him for who he is without question.  The result is a remarkably wonderful insightful documentary called Coming Out that Wolfe Video are releasing on VOD to celebrate National Coming Out Day on Tuesday 11th October. To mark the occasion Alden Peters talked to queerguru via FaceTime for P.T.V. about the movie and the journey it took him on.


For queerguru’s full review of Coming Out the film, click HERE

Elizabeth Schwartz talks about BEFORE I DO with queerguru

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Miami based LGBT activist and lawyer Elizabeth Schwartz has just published her first book  BEFORE I DO : A Legal Guide to Marriage, Gay & Otherwise.  On the eve of the book’s launch in P.Town on October 9th as part of Womensweek & BridePride, Elizabeth sat down with queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack to explain why this book is essential reading for everyone about to get married …..including queerguru himself.

The interview was filmed by Richard Bolton for P.T.V. 



P Town Launch  : Marc Jacobs Reading Room of P Town Public Library
                              Sunday, October 9   @   2:30 pm

Books available also from http://thenewpress.com/books/before-i-do


Ester Gould talks about Strike A Pose to queerguru

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In 1990, seven young male dancers joined Madonna on her very controversial Blonde Ambition World Tour. On stage and in the iconic film ‘Truth or Dare’ they showed the world how to express yourself. Now, 25 years later, documentarians Ester Gould & Reijer Zwaans revisit the men to talk about their lives during and after the tour.

Heartbreaking and very touching this completely compelling film is also a reflection on how far the gay community has journeyed in the past 25 years.

Ester Gould the Co-director talks to queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack for PTV during #PIFF16 earlier this summer.

The film is edited by Amy Davies


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