
Queerguru’s Man in Bangkok Glenn John reports “The Gayest Country in Asia (the world?) Finally Approves Marriage Equality”

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      With yesterday’s final overwhelming passage by the Thai Senate, marriage equality is soon to be the law of the land in already gay-friendly Thailand.  The law needs be signed by the King Maha Vajiralongkorn, which all say is but  a  “formality”. Then, 120 days after the news is published in the Royal … Continue reading

BIG GAY WEDDING : Tom Allen hosts a (fab) wedding to celebrate 10 years of Same Sex Marriage in the UK

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  It may have slipped your mind that this week the UK is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the legalization of same sex marriage .  (Well not all of the ‘British Isles’  as it took the Parliament of ultra conservative Northern Ireland another 6 years to join the club).  Anyway the BBC is marking this … Continue reading

The queer world celebrates Greece becoming the 36th country to legalize marriage quality

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    If you are thinking about having a ‘destination’ same-sex wedding this year, your choice has just got larger.  The latest country to legalize marriage equality is Greece: a significant move as it is the first-ever Orthodox Christian nation to do so.  The Greek Government had a large majority passing the new law by … Continue reading

Gay and Christian ? Choose your religion with care …

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    I’m not sure how elated we gay non-Catholics are meant to be with the latest news from the Vatican. Pope Francis has approved some Catholic blessings for same-sex couples, so long as they do not appear to endorse their marriage, The Vatican has stressed that marriage remains exclusively between a man and a … Continue reading

In a landslide vote Cubans legalize same-sex marriage

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  During the Revolution in CUBA, the combination of socialism and traditional morality only exacerbated the marginalization of the LGBT community even more. Therefore, those who did not fit the mold of the societal construct were deemed as either outcasts or as unproductive. It was not until recently that the attitudes and acceptance toward LGBT … Continue reading

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