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Trans filmmaker & activist Jake Graf talks about Headspace

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Brit trans activist and filmmaker Jake Graf talked to queerguru for P.T.V. on the day of the launch of his latest movie Headspace.  He released it to mark LGBT History month, and it is a powerful and somewhat disturbing insight into the daily trials and tribulations that trans people have to deal with that most other people do not give a second thought.

Since its release, and this interview, the film has clocked up over 1 million views in the space of a little over 24 hours .  It so deserves to be seen by as many people as possible, but before you check it out, see what Jake has to say about it all in our exclusive interview.

queerguru reviews La La Land

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The wonderful astonishing opening sequence of a full scale choreographed musical number on a flyover in the middle of an L.A. traffic jam sets the pace for what is clearly one of the most exhilarating movie musicals for years.  La La Land is only the third film helmed by 31 year old Damien Chazelle (he picked up an Oscar nomination for Whiplash his last movie) and he successfully creates a contemporary musical that is obviously inspired by all the classic ones of the genre with it’s romantic story full of hope and love.

queerguru reviews La La Land for P.T.V. as the movie arrives at the Waters Edge Cinema in P.Town.

queerguru reviews 20th Century Women

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Writer/director Mike Mills is revisiting his own family history again as the source for his latest movie.  It served him well last time when in ‘Beginners’ he told the story of his father who came out as gay when he was 75 years old, garnering an Oscar for Christopher Plummer. This time around Mills’s focus is on his mother, and is set in the summer of 1979 when she tried to adjust to reality of being a single parent who had given birth late in life, and now has to deal with the coming-of-age of her teenage son.

queerguru reviews Annette Bening’s powerful performance in 20th Century Women for P.T.V. 


queerguru reviews Jackie

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It’s quite extraordinary that acclaimed Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín known mainly for his generally aggressive dramas interspersed with violence about his own country,  should choose such a quintessential American story as Jackie for his first English speaking movie.  The fact that he succeeds so well with his version of the accounts in the week that immediately followed the tragic assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 as seen through the eyes of his grieving widow is due mainly to Natalie Portman’s powerhouse performance as one of this country’s most iconic First Ladies.

queerguru reviews Jackie for P.T.V. as it opens at the Waters Edge Cinema in Provincetown.


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