

videos on all things queer cultural

Patrick Cash talks about why THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GRINDR is even hotter the 2nd time

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Brit queer writer Patrick Cash (The Chemsex Monologues) talks to QUEERGURU about THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GRINDR the rather brilliant & unmissable #LGBTQ web series he wrote & that Luke Davies directed for 56 Dean Street Wellbeing Clinic, as it just launches Season 2.

Starring Denholm SpurrTaofique Folarin & Alexis Gregory & now available on You Tube 

Below our interview is the whole of Season 2 Episode 1




Queer filmmaker FLAVIO ALVES talks about the mesmerising story about the struggle of an undocumented trans girl

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Photo By Getty Images at SXSW


Queer Latinx filmmaker Flavio Alves feature film directing debut is The Garden Left Behind a completely mesmerising movie that makes such a crucial contribution to the continuing dialogue on the transgender community. After wowing audiences and critics at SXSW, the movie is headed to Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival. En route he took time to talk to QUEERGURU about how he involved over 50 trans mens and women to make the film so authentic

The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack via Facetime, and you can read our full review of The Garden Left Behind HERE

Actor Matthew Montgomery talks about the joy of directing his first film DEVILS PATH

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Matthew Montgomery one of the most successful actors in indie LGBT movies today goes behind the camera for his directing/writing debut with a stunning psychological thriller Devil’s Path.

Now released by Breaking Glass Pictures in select US theaters & on VOD/VOD through Amazon Prime Video & iTunes Store,  Matt talks to Queerguru about making the film with his actor husband Steve Callahan who produced and co-starred in it too

The interview with Roger Walker-Dack was filmed via Facetime. and you can read Queerguru’s full review of the movie HERE.

Over 80% of the actors at the casting for Jayro Bustamante’s film refused to play ‘gay’

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When Guatemalan filmmaker Jayro Bustamante‘s went to cast his sophomore film a drama about a married man who comes out as gay he was shocked to discover that over 80% of the actors at the casting would not play ‘gay’ .  He needn’t have worried though as he chose the extremely talented actor JUAN PABLO OLYSLAGER whose finely nuanced performance as the lead character makes this very disturbing drama so utterly watchable.

In what is the 2nd Guatemalan movie to every have an LGBT story line, Olyslager  Pablo  who is forced by his Church & family to give up on his chance of real happiness. 

Bustamante, and Olyslager along with Sabrina De La Hoz , talked to QUEERGURU when the film was screened at Miami Film Festival

PS. You can read our full review of the movie  at http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2019/03/tremors-aka-temblores


Brit queer writer TOM WRIGHT talks about his new play UNDETECTABLE

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Brit queer playwright Tom Wright is following his sold out run of My Dad’s Gap Year at London’s Park Theatre with his brand new play #UNDETECTABLE directed (as always) by Rikki Beadle-Blair at London’s King’s Head Theatre. He talked to QUEERGURU via Facetime on the eve on its opening about this, and also the healthy state of queer theatre.

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