

videos on all things queer cultural

Jack Tracy talks about ‘DANNY WILL PROBABLY DIE ALONE’ his fabulously funny new web series based on his own roller coaster dating life

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Every time actor, writer, director JACK TRACY thinks he has met the man of his dreams, he throws himself to this  latest love match really believing that this time its Mr Right.  Sadly for Jack it usually turns out that it isn’t even Mr Right Now,  but (dare I say) this latest experience will inspire him to create another wickedly funny drama that will keep us allmin stitches. 

Queerguru has talked often with Jack over the years and as he never holds back from any of the intimate details (!) we feel we know that part of him better than our closest friends. 

His very latest series DANNY WILL DIE ALONE IS also based on his dating life over the past few years … he told Queerguru its  ‘heightened reality’.  And is now widely accessible as it is streaming on DEKKOO channel.…. it is, like all his previous work, a sheer joy to watch.   And as in all his tales, you will find that you have probably experienced some of the same mini dating dramas as him 


The time that the fabulously funny LESLIE JORDAN threw ‘shade’ with Queerguru

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Back in 2017 Queerguru had the sheer pleasure of interviewing (for the 2nd time) the great Leslie Jordan. Of all the people that have ever sat in front of our cameras over the years he was the most generous and warmest of interviewees  that we have ever had the honor of spending time with.  Full of charisma and his quick fire wicked wit he had the entire Queerguru crew in fits for the whole tim.

Since we published the interview in 2017bit has been viewed over 330K times  on You Tube alone and shared 55 times too …. but by then we knew how very loved this iconic gay man was.  

Like everyone else we miss him so much since he was taken from us so early, which makes this video of ours even more precious.



Whilst remembering all the joy he gave us through his work, it seems only fitting too include this collage of Beverley Leslie  (and his Personal Assistant Benji) being so offended at somehow always being mistaken for being a homosexual 


Chef Charles-Laurent Lelièvre : Pâtissier Extraordinaire talks about finding real happiness in creating cake masterpieces

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The first thing you notice about Chef Charles-Laurent Lelièvre is both his joie vivre and his humor when you talk with him about his passion of baking. (Well to be totally honest, he is also devilishly handsome but I didn’t want to appear shallow) ). He tells you so convincingly that he has found his dream life designing and creating such masterpieces in Miami which he is so thrilled to be able to call home. His fascinating journey started in Nursing School in France (his family insisted) to working in Disneyland Park, then DisneyLand US before he got an offer he couldn’t refuse …..to be a fashion Model. Disney’s loss was the world’s gain and eventually led him here to follow his dream

Its a joy to talk with someone who exudes such naturally happiness like Chef that you start to feel you’ve known each other for years.

All of his cakes are custom made and unique originals the more outrageous the  design the more excited he gets creating them, but be aware as each one is handmade he can make only so many in a week.

And at the end of interview I asked him the one question you will so want to ask …….has he made a wedding cake for himself yet? You’ll have to watch the video to the final credits to see what he answered

Julio Capó, Jr. talks about ZORITA TAKES MIAMI an Exhibit about the legendary queer burlesque dancer at the Stonewall Library

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Professor Julio Capó, Jr. of Florida International University constantly surprises Queerguru with his unpredictable queer history projects. This time we got to talk with him about ZORITA TAKES MIAMI. a new Exhibit he has just curated at Stonewall Library and Archives in Wilton Manor. Florida.

ZORITA was an American burlesque performer in the 1940s/50s whose act included two boa constrictors. She became very well known for pushing the limits of acceptable nudity and for her unique and controversial numbers, such as the ‘Half and Half’. She dressed one half of her body as a groom and the other as a bride, and, keeping one side to the audience, began to undress each other, leading to the ‘wedding night romp’. In another, an unseen ‘spider’ removed her clothes whilst she danced in front of a rhinestone-covered spiderweb.

Although she was queer she was however married, the first time at 15, and divorced three times. A famous quote of hers is that she stripped for men, but preferred women. Her fascinating and compelling story may not have the gravitas of many more conventional queer historical figures, but it still makes a significant contribution as to how the LGBTQ+ community would evolve


“Zorita Takes Miami” Exhibition
Curated by Julio Capó Jr.

Stonewall National Museum, Archives & Library
info @stonewall-museum.org

Brian J Smith talks about A HOUSE IS NOT A DISCO a love letter to queer life on Fire Island

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Actor turned filmmaker Brian J Smith’s debut behind the camera is his love letter to Fire Island The place is evocative to so many queers around the world. The narrow ten square miles sand bar of 600 beach houses, a hundred co-ops, a beautiful beach, wooden boardwalks, no roads or cars, and a handful of commercial businesses is 49 miles off the coast of New York City in Long Island Sound. It’s played host to generations of queer New Yorkers looking for community, sex, sea, drugs, gorgeous wooden beach houses, nudity, hedonism and a dancefloor.

Smith carefully takes off his rose colored glasses to look at Fire Island’s past and to think ahead about its future. He tells us The Pines has always been a place that has been cared for by the people who live there, now going forward it must also be cared by all the visitors as well, if it is to survive Queerguru caught up with him prior to A House is Not a Disco screening at OUTshine in Miami …. the latest in its Festival run,  Ris Fatah our reviewer gave it a rave review (see https://queerguru.com/queergurus-ris-… ) and we were anxious to know more about why Smith is so passionate about the place


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