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Thirsty Burlington Talks about THIRSTY the Movie

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thirsty title card

Last week queerguru had the sheer joy of talking to the legendary performer Miss Thirsty Burlington who is ‘more Cher than Cher’ on the eve of the sneak preview of the first ever public screening of THIRSTY, a fab new movie based on her life. The setting was the equally fabulous Velvet Lounge in the heart of Provincetown just before the Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16 kicked off.

We showed a clip of the interview on PTV’s Facebook page last week and it quickly went VIRAL!  Here then is the full conversation filmed by Heather Reed and also by Rik Ahlberg who edited the piece too.

P.S. Both screenings of THIRSTY sold out within hours breaking Festival Box Office records BUT a little dickie bird tells us that it will be back in Provincetown some time this summer, and also very soon in the Rest Of The World.  Follow both PTV and Thirsty The Movie on Facebook to be sure not to miss out.



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1Writer/director Nathan Adloff’s (Nate & Margaret) new delightful dramedy MILES is about one young man’s unusual fight for equality and when he comes up against unbridled homophobia simply strengthens his resolve into accepting nothing less than he was entitled. Starring Molly Shannon and Paul Reiser but it’s newbie Tim Boardman as Miles who really shines.

Reviewed by queerguru for P.T.V. as part of Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16


A Good Wife @ #PIFF16

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A Good Wife1 is wonderful intriguing Serbian drama directed and co-written by veteran actress Mirjana Karanovic  who also stars in this tale about a bored housewife who has been taken for granted by her family for years, and then makes two major discoveries that will force to speak up and shatter her cosy and bland existence.

Reviewed by queerguru for P.T.V. as part of their coverage of Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16


The Guys Next Door @ #PIFF16

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1In their compelling new documentary  The Guys Next Door filmmakers Amy Geller & Allie Humenuk capture the remarkable heartwarming journey of gay married couple Erik and Sandro who get the family that they always wanted when their best friend Rachel acts as their surrogate twice. Filmed over five years it tracks how this whole new fluid sense of family is such a roaring success and how very lucky these  young girls are to have two daddies and such a supportive extended family.

The movie is reviewed by queerguru for P.T.V as part of 18th Edition of the Provincetown International Film Festival #PIFF16


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